Andy Plesser
Mobile Phones are Supersized as Video Drives Form Factor, NPD’s Ross Rubin
Consumers are willing to give up “pocket real estate” as they carry increasinly large mobile devices, says Ross Rubin, lead technology analyst at the NPD Group.
Akamai Expects Half of Premium Video will Be Consumed via Connected Devices in Three Years
Half of premium video content will be consumed by connected deviices, via the Internet, by early 2014 says Akamai's Chief Media and Entertainment Strategist Chris Van Noy in this interview with Beet.TV
Performance vs. Brand Advertising in Online Video — Branding is Better
While perfomance-based advertising around online video has become widespread, the "sweet spot" for advertisers and publishers is "brand advertising," says Ed Haslam, SVP for Marketing at YuMe.
The Missing Link: Madison Avenue Does Not Fully Understand the Value of Online Video, IAB’s Steve Sullivan
Despite the expectation and excitement about television advertising budgets moving to digital, there is a major disconnect between brands and their agencies and the publishers around the value of the media, says Steve Sullivan of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, in this interview with Beet.TV.
SB Nation’s Jim Bankoff Grabs Engadget Crew for New Tech Blog
SB Nation, the fast-growing portal for professional sports enthusiasts, has hired eight senior editors from AOL’s Engadget to create a new tech blog, David Carr at The New York Times reports. In November, I interviewed Bankoff at the Monaco Media Forum. Reposting the video here tonight. Andy Plesser
ABC News Digital Chief Reports “Limitless Demand” for Video News — but the Challenge is How to Scale Content
Video news is being consumed by more people than ever before and viewership of digital video at ABC News is "exploding," presenting a "limitless demand" for video journalism, says Paul Slavin, who heads digital for ABC News, in this interview with Beet.TV.
Beet.TV at Five Years: “Celebrating the Media Without Being Cynical” (No Kidding)
Beet.TV has found a unique spot in the world journalism by "celebrating the media in way which is not cynical," observes former Wall Street Journal columinst Emily Meehan in this video produced at the vlog's fifth-year birthday party on Wednesday night at the Flatiron Lounge.
Ooyala is Powering Bloomberg’s Online and Mobile Video Distribution
Ooyala, the Mountain View-based video services company, started in 2007 by a group of ex-Google executives, is powering the online and mobile video distribution for information giant Bloomberg.
Video News Delivery is Moving Inexorably via Apps, Newsy CEO Jim Spencer
Jim Spencer, the CEO of Newsy, a start-up which produces and distributes video segments edited from from hundreds of news sources, is focused nearly entirely on Apps as the platform to deliver its product.
‘Exclusive’ New York Times Embedding Corporate Links in Article Pages
The New York Times' top digital editor Len Apcar says, in this exclusive segment on Beet.TV, that the paper has decided to link to corporate sites as a means to provide an extra dimension to its staff reporting.
Ex-Washington Post Editor Jim Brady Heading to Journal Register
Jim Brady, who was the managing editor of the before heading to start-up the ill-fated, a local D.C. news site, is joining the Journal Register Company to manage its digital “transformation,” David Kaplan at paidContent reports.
Video Advertising Technology Company Adap.TV Raises $20 Million Venture Round, the San Mateo-based advertising technology provider, has raised a new round of $20 million, reports TechCrunch.
Faster than FTP: Aspera Moves Video Files for The New York Times and Producers, Big and Small
An Emeryville California start-up has developed a way to send big video files from computers and mobile devices to a special server at speeds far in excess of FTP (file transfer protocol).
Newsy, Mobile Video News Innovator, Has $1.5 Million in New Funding
Newsy, the Columbia, Missouri-based video news start-up, has raised $1.5 million in new funding to allow it to expand with original programming and to expand overseas, CEO Jim Spencer tells Beet.TV in this exclusive interview.
Little Aspera Moving Giant Video Files for iTunes, BBC, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and Most of Hollywood
Aspera, a small, privately-funded start-up in Emeryville, California, has developed the means to transfer enormous video files at speeds far greater that FTP and other TCP-type protocols. Quietly, it has become the industry standard for the movie and on video industry to manage and send around big files.
Cisco Plans for Massive, Video-Rich Web with 500 Billion Hours of Video up by 2015
SAN JOSE, Calif — The "pipes" of the Internet will be crucial to the success of an increasingly video-rich Internet and Cisco is putting in place a number of solutions, says Scott Puopolo, VP for Internet Business, in this interview with Beet.TV
In a Video-Centric Web, the Importance of the .TV Domain is Rising
AUSTIN – As the Web becomes increasingly Web-centric, more publishers are embracing the .tv domain as a way to denote video content, says Verisign's Tom Correia, who is product manager for the .tv domain.
Techno-Thriller: Deep Search Comes to Hollywood with Tagging of Universal Catalogue
While Google says it wants to index the world's content, it hasn't done made much progress in Hollywood. But an Israeli start-up called AnyClip has already indexed hundreds of movies in the Universal Pictures library.
Music Video Portal Vevo to Launch in the UK
Vevo, the popular music video site, which is a collaborative business involving several of the major record labels and Google, will launch in the U.K. shortly, announced CEO Rio Careaff in comments today to the Abu Dhabi Media Forum, the Guardian Newspaper reports.
London’s Livestation Video News Portal Sees Massive Traffic from Middle East Unrest….Japan’s NHK Now Live
London-based Livestation, a portal which streams linear news programming from broadcasters, including the BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, Al Jazeera, and a number of Arabic-language programs, including Al Jazeera Arabic, Al Arabiya, BBC Arabic, France 24 Arabic, has seen a huge spike in traffic to its site since unrest in the Middle East erupted in January.