Criteo’s Gleason: Privacy Sandbox Reimagines Open Web Currency

The deprecation of third-party cookies and emergence of new privacy technologies like Google’s Privacy Sandbox will significantly disrupt the historic “currency” by which advertising on the open web is traded. That is the view of Criteo’s global chief revenue officer Brian Gleason, who says the industry now needs to come together to rethink how it […]


CTV’s Unsung Hero Is The Ad Server: Innovid Brings ‘Harmony’ To Platforms

In the fast-evolving terrain of connected TV (CTV) advertising, the conversation often orbits around the latest buzzwords: interactivity, shoppable video, measurement, and optimization. Yet, according to Zvika Netter, CEO & Co-Founder of Innovid, it’s an old player—the ad server—that’s emerging as the unsung hero. The ad server is becoming recognized as a “critical component” in […]


Data Collaboration Takes Center Stage in the Privacy-First Era, InfoSum’s Wetzel

The deprecation of cookies, the rise of retail media networks and the ever-present spectre of privacy – while they may seem like separate trends, these industry topics are converging on one, over-arching theme – data collaboration. That is according to Lauren Wetzel, Chief Operating Officer of data collaboration platform InfoSum, who says her panel discussion […]