“The Web is Becoming a Video Medium,” Declares Walt Mossberg at Beet.TV’s Power Event in Washington
The Web is becoming "a video delivery medium in a big way," said Walt Mossberg in his opening remarks at Beet.TV’s first executive summit which was held yesterday at the Embassy of Finland in Washington. Walt is technology columnist at the Wall Street Journal and is co Executive Editor of All Things Digital. Walt and […]
Adobe’s “Web HD Concept” is H.264…..and Beet.TV Goes to Washingon..Tomorrow Walt Mossberg to Keynote
Click To Play There’s been a great deal of discussion about HD web video coming online. Unfortunately, real HD quality, which you would find on a big screen television set, is not realistic for Web video given slow Internet connections in the United States and computers with limited processing power. In his review recent review […]
New Digital Industry Blog Contentinople Explores the “Byzantine” World of Convergence
Earlier this year, without much fanfare, Contentinople, a new blog about digital media and convergence was launched in the United States by London-based United Business Media, one of the world’s biggest business-to-business publishers. Not a scrappy start-up, this enterprise has five full-time editorial employees with the sales and back office support of the parent company. […]
YouTube’s New API for Mobile Videocasting via QIK and Flixwagon is Very Cool, “Livecaster” Sarah Meyers
Sarah Meyers, whose daily show Pop17, a joint production with Rocketboom, has been gaining attention recently. It is really very good. I particularly like this segment about Beet.TV!!! Like superstar blogger Robert Scoble who has both an edited and a live show on fastcompany.tv, Sarah does two as well. Here’s her live channel. Robert uses […]
New Player in Online Video Management Readies U.S. Launch
BestTV, an Israeli-based company in the online video management space, has received $4 million in funding from Israeli investors since its founding in 2002. I caught up with the Stanford-educated founder Oded Felled recently in Manhattan. Oded says the company is ready to enter the U.S. market and hopes to raise a second venture round. […]
Forrester Research Unlocks Powerful Application to Guage Social Network Attitudes
Forrester Research has just opened to the public a powerful application and database which analysts have used to gauge the interest of customers in participating in social networks. The database, which provides profiles of customers of many companies in 10 nations, went live last week. It is free. This was first reported last week by […]
Google Set to “Ramp Up” Video on Google News
Google News, which indexes thousands of text news sources and images, will "ramp up" video on the site, according Josh Cohen, business project manager at Google News in this interview with Beet.TV. The program was launched last year and is set to expand. It works as follows via YouTube: A small group of video producers […]
Adobe’s New Flash Codec is “Everyman’s HD Platform”….has Improved Beet Stream on YouTube and Blip
I have come to think of H.264 as a kind of everyman’s HD video production and distribution platform. The encoding software, referred in the industry as a codec, was released by Adobe into the Flash ecosystem in December. It has greatly improved the quality of Beet.TV videos. Let me explain how this works: David edits […]
paidContent Nabs Former Dow Jones Senior Exec as CEO, Expands Staff and Opens New York Office
Congrats to Rafat Ali and the growing success of paidContent, the essential online publication about digital media. Today, Rafat announced the "next phase" of his company with appointment of Nathan Richardson, former head of Dow Jones Online as the new CEO. Rafat announced other hires, the promotion of Staci Kramer and said the Santa Monica-based […]
Exclusive: Rocketboom Blasts Off Sarah Meyer’s Pop17 Video Show…The Roots of Beet.TV Explored in this Mini-Doc!
Rocketboom, the pioneering video blog that led the way for episodic online video programming, has launched its first new show, Pop17 with Sarah Meyers. Although the new show launched in February, an event chronicled by TechCrunch and others, the association with Rocketboom and Andrew Baron has not been previously disclosed. I spoke with Andrew earlier […]
Jason Calacanis: “I Try to Scare People” (sort of)
Jason Calacanis, the scrapping entrepreneur built Weblogs and sold it AOL for $25 million. He is hard at work with his latest start-up Mahalo. He has a direct, immersive approach to managing people. In hiring process, he says he tries to "scare people." I don’t think Jason is really scary. This interview is quite informative […]
Fast-Growing Silicon Alley Insider, “Worth $5.4 Million,” Set to Expand
According to a new report on the valuation of the top 25 blogs, the eight month-old Silicon Alley Insider is worth $5.4 million. Not bad work for founder/backer Kevin Ryan and editor/pundit/power blogger Henry Blodget. I’m not quite sold on the valuation equation and find it hard to believe that SAI is worth $2 million […]
Revision3 Taps Blip.tv for Syndication Services
Revision3, the fast growing producer of online tech programming, has signed an agreement with Blip.tv to syndicate the video for all its shows. The news was first reported this morning by Michael Learmonth of the Silicon Alley Insider. Earlier this month, I was in San Francisco for a tour of the very cool Revision3 offices […]
Revision3 Taps Blip.tv for Syndication Services
Revision3, the fast growing producer of online tech programming, has signed an agreement with Blip.tv to syndicate the video for all its shows. The news was first reported this morning by Michael Learmonth of the Silicon Alley Insider. Earlier this month, I was in San Francisco for a tour of the very cool Revision3 offices […]
The Washington Post is Big on Facebook: Some 350,000 Applications Downloaded
The Washington Post, long an innovator in expanding its online presence, has created a popular application on Facebook with some 350,000 downloads, Jim Brady, Executive Editor of the washingtonpost.com tells Beet.TV The application (L) is a kind of political badge which members put on their Facebook pages, showing their political leanings from liberal to conservative. […]
Commercial Videos Work on Facebook, Forrester’s Josh Bernoff (But not conventional ads)
Josh Bernoff, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, told me that some marketers are finding success by putting videos into social networks. Not ads, but content of value to the members of the networks. He talks about successes of big and small marketers and explains the values of such interaction which is far greater […]
Ex-Googlers Launch Ad-Friendly “How To” Content Play — Jet Blue is Onboard
Co-founders Jason Liebman and Daniel Blackman, along with other Google alumni, have raised $8 million and launched HowCast a new company that produces and distributes "how to videos" on a range of topics. Recently, Beet.TV visited Jason and Daniel for a tour of their Manhattan offices and to talk about the sector and progress at […]
Google News Has Archived The New York Times, TIME magazine……New Timeline Charts are Cool…Beet.TV Explores How Publishers Maximize Their Google News “Juice”
Google News, the aggregation platform for news from thousands of news sources, has a short shelf life. After news stories are posted, they expire after 30 days. However, all these stories, plus millions of older articles never posted, reside on Google News Archives. Last summer, Google announced plans to archive major news sources. It recently […]
“The Guild” Grabs Top Honors at SXSW and Daisy Interviews Felicia Day Producer
Finally wrapping up our extensive coverage of SXSW. Here’s our interview with Felicia Day, producer of "The Guild" the successful online video series. It grabbed top honors for new video series at SXSW. My colleague Daisy Whitney interviewed the actress at the show. Here is our interview, a joint production of TV Week and Beet.TV. […]
Business Week’s Jon Fine: Digital Media’s Upside Not Yet Clear
Click to play I had a chance to catch up with Jon Fine, media columnist for Business Week earlier this week at the McGraw Hill Media Summit. I asked Jon about his takeaway from the conference. He says that the success of digital media remains elusive. He points to the relatively modest revenue of Gawker […]