YouTube Has Most Viewers Outside the U.S., Google’s David Eun…YouTube Readies Analytics Tool, Report
YouTube has made vast expansions overseas into 19 versions and now has most of its traffic from overseas, according to David Eun, who heads up content partnerships for Google. Eun’s comments are in this interview with Mary Kathleen Flynn just posted on The Deal’s TechConfidential I’ve posted the interview here. YouTube Analytics are on the […]
FastCompany.tv Launches with Twistage Player
FastCompany.tv debuted today featuring programming from Robert Scoble. The Flash video player being used is from a small New York start-up, Twistage. Twistage will soon implement a podcast of the FastCompany.tv videos. The company provides a "white label" solution to video publishers, meaning the company provides the tools to create and manage video publishing and […]
Video and Social Networks will Move to Applications, Adobe’s David Wadhwani
Online Video consumption and participation in social networks will move increasingly to desktop applications with the release of AIR, says Adobe VP David Wadhwani. Earlier this week I was in San Francisco for the Adobe Engage,the industry introduction of AIR. This is my final segment from the conference. David explains how the utility of Flash […]
“Tech Ticker Could be Most-Watched Content in Finance Media,” Yahoo! Tells Beet.TV
While there’s been some head scratching about the need for Tech Ticker, another online tech/business show, it could be very big. Its success may come as result of the sheer scale of the audience. The new show is on Yahoo! Finance which has an audience of 18 million unique monthly users, according to comScore. A […]
Google Traffic to Ungated NYTimes.com has Doubled, Report
The ungating of NYTimes.com in September has lead to a dramatic increase in traffic from Google search, according an interview with David Eun, Google’s Vice President of Content Partnerships in next week’s edition of The Deal. Eun tells tells the weekly that ungating at the Times and the Financial Times has greatly increased traffic from […]
Nick Denton is “a total dick,” Michael Arrington Tells Porfolio.com
Portfolio’s Lloyd Grove just published an extensive interview with TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington. He holds no punches, calls Barry Diller a "wounded animal" and Gawker Media’s Nick Denton, "a total dick." Here’s what else he says about Denton: "I think he’s amoral. I don’t think he has any sense of right and wrong, and he’ll do […]
FastCompany.tv Readies Monday Launch — Scoble Prepares Live and Edited Channels….New Channel’s Flash Video via Twistage
I caught up with Robert Scoble on Monday morning in San Francisco at the Adobe Engage conference. Robert covered live with his Nokia and streamed it via his QIK connection. I ask him about preparations for FastCompany.tv and its launch on March 3. He explained that the show will have two production tracks: a live […]
AOL’s XDrive Gets 2 Million Daily Uploads…..Debuts on Adobe AIR
XDrive, AOL’s online storage site for saving large files, is getting 2 million uploads a day, many of them videos, Robert Blatt, Vice President and General Manager of Personal Media at AOL, told me on Monday at the Adobe Engage conference in San Francisco. The fast-growing service provides consumers with 5GB of free storage space […]
Bulletin from San Francisco: Al Gore has Slimmed Down……and I Couldn’t Reach my Damn Camera!
Not sure if he’s slimmed down for another run for the presidency (probably not) or he’s decided to shape up for the upcoming IPO of Current TV, or he’s just made a personal health decision. Whatever the reason, I’d say he’s gone down about three suit sizes — and looks terrific. I saw him this […]
Power Blogging is Exciting, but Is It a Business?
While the development of independent and niche publishers has been pervasive with some taking the editorial mantel of expertise and influence from mainstream media, the financial prospects of power bloggers are not at all clear, says Jason Pontin, editor and publisher MIT’s Technology Review. Jason was the longtime editor of Red Herring which chronicled the […]
Ex CBS News Chief on The Revolution in Online News: “Journalists will be Peers or Representatives”
Andrew Heyward, former president of CBS News, shares his view of the the essential value television news, the role of journalists and how online consumption patterns are changing the ecosystem of television news. This is an extremely insightful interview. I hope you find it valuable and share it with your colleagues. Andrew is a consultant […]
VideoEgg Unveils New Performance-Based Video Ads: Microsoft is Paying 50 Cents Per Interaction with its Ad, Report
In a major development in the way advertisers pay for advertising in video ads, VideoEgg has launched a new performance-based advertising system called AdFrames. One of the first advertisers to sign on is Microsoft, which is advertising new features in Office 2007. Instead of paying publishers for the number of views, Microsoft is paying VideoEgg […]
Google Unveils AdSense for Video — Overlay Text and Banners Ready to Roll for Publishers Big and Small
In what may well be a landmark development for the monetization of online video, Google has launched a program to provide video publishers and video services companies with overlay advertisements. Publishers are paid on cost-per thousand impressions basis, or CPM. The CPM paid to specific publishers will be established through an automated auction process. A […]
Cost Per Impression Payment “Doesn’t Make Sense for Video,” Yahoo!’s Rebecca Paoletti Tells Beet.TV…AMEN!
This is not fair, nor does it make a lot of sense. Advertisers pay for ads on videos as they would banner ads, on an impression basis. If you watch a video or surf a web page with an ad banner, it’s pretty much the same. Advertisers pay publishers a certain amount for a thousand […]
CNET News.com Names Dan Farber Editor-in-Chief
Dan Farber, the veteran technology journalist who has built ZDNet, a CNET Networks unit, into a potent blogging network, has been tapped to take over as Editor in Chief of of CNET News.com. Dan made the announcement in his blog a few minutes ago. Michael Arrington at TechCrunch has more information and POV. He […]
Online Video Rights Management Start-up Gets Funds from Uber Angels Patricof and Conway….and Launches Global Videographer Network
ImageSpan, a Sausalito-based start-up which provides rights management and payment systems for online video publishers, has received angel funding from top angel investors Alan Patricof and his new venture fund, Greycroft Partners, along with Ron Conway’s Angel Investors. VentureBeat reported this today, adding that the amount of the angel round was not disclosed. For publishers […]
Oolala! France’s Dailymotion Has HD Quality Streaming
We are impressed with the new HD platform for clips on Dailymotion, the fast-growing video sharing site in France. HD was introduced to the site today. While some publishers and video sharing sites are presenting video in high quality Flash, most provide a lower resolution on the embed, the file used by bloggers and social […]
Yahoo! Has Video Advertising Breakthrough with New Clickable Units
In November, Yahoo! quietly introduced clickable pre-roll ad units with a "call to action," meaning visitors who watch a video, see a pre-roll ad and are encouraged to click on the ad to find more information. Rebecca Paoletti, Director of Video Sales Strategy told me on Friday that some of these new units are getting […]
Kiptronic has Ad Serving Solution for Video Downloads…..CondeNet and CSTV Are Customers
Increasingly, video content is being downloaded to a variety devices including computers, mobile devices, phones, game consoles and television set-top boxes. Managing advertising insertions across these different downladable media is critical as most video consumption is and will be ad supported. Kiptronic is one of handful of emerging companies who are creating ad management systems […]
MSNBC’s New Video Player Leads to Surging Traffic
Video streams on msnbc.com hit 32 million for the week ending February 9, the company said late this afternoon. It attributes this near-record traffic to the success of the snazzy new Flash video player. The 32 million as the third highest weekly streams in the history of the site, a co-venture of Microsoft and NBC […]