Ad Groups Look To Reimagine TV On Mobile Screens

Media agencies know that TV viewing is diminishing – but at least growing consumption of video on alternative screens gives them a shot at dreaming up a new kind of moving-pictures advertising stronghold in mobile media. “People are not sitting in front of the television like they used to,” Mediacom managing partner and group digital director […]

Holiday Video Shortage Will Spur Out-Stream Video Ads: Xaxis’ Warner

A new kind of video advertising format could pick up this coming holiday season, as ad buyers look beyond usual pre-roll inventory in a market that still suffers from supply problems. So-called “out-stream” video ads, as introduced by Ebuzzing and Teads, don’t play in video windows before video content; they play between text paragraphs, meaning […]

Quality Is Key For Branded Content: News Corp’s Chopra

Brands can win an audience for articles and videos they made, even in newspaper websites – if their material is worth consuming, according to a news group executive. Asked why users would consume content made by brands in vehicles designed to convey the news of the day, News Corp SVP and video head Rahul Chopra […]

Slate Sees Videos on All Its Pages

Web magazine Slate says it can make up for a lack of opportunities for its video advertisers by turning every text article in to a video ad opportunity. Sales VP Anthony DeMaio tells Beet.TV in this video that the title recently enlisted French ad tech firm Teads, whose technology inserts auto-playing pre-roll ads in between […]

Marketers Need KPIs by Campaign, Channel & Individual, MediaCom’s Lampert

To succeed in a cross-device world, advertisers should develop personalized experiences for each screen with messages tailored to the device and, when possible, to the consumer, says Michael Lampert, Managing Partner and Group Digital Director at MediaCom in an interview with Beet.TV. That kind of ecosystem needs more complex measurement and also attribution, he adds. “How can […]

Content Marketing Needs Better Metrics, Rigorous Distribution, MEC’S LaVecchia

Content marketing is on the cusp of breaking through, and needs a few best practices in place to become a powerful marketing tactic, says  Gian LaVecchia, Managing Partner, Digital Content Marketing at MEC, in an interview with Beet.TV. Linking strong storytelling, with metrics and distribution is vital, he says. “If you  don’t have rigorous distribution strategies […]

Radio’s Cumulus Upping Video Strategy In 2015

US radio network Cumulus Media may be best known for its on-air content. But, if JT Batson has his way, the group will soon also be profiting from on-line multimedia presentations. The company’s chief revenue officer tells Beet.TV about plans for Cumulus’ Nash country music station: “On January 1, we’re launching Nash TV, which is a full web video […]

Under News Corp, Storyful Put To Work On Brand Content

It may have started life as a tool for editors to validate user-generated content for editorial stories but, following its acquisition by News Corp, Storyful is also being set to work for advertisers’ commercial goals. “We saw a social radar,” News Corp. video SVP Rahul Chopra tells Beet.TV in this video, ” – tell us […]

Nielsen: Measuring Consumer Engagement is Key

For marketers to move more money from TV to digital, they need true parity in measurement, says David Hohman, Nielsen’s agency solutions EVP  in an interview with Beet.TV. “Parity is a consistent measurement across digital and TV. You need to be able to consider the devices, and you need to be able to attribute what’s […]

Mindshare’s Migliozzi on Best Practices for Branded Video

As marketers expand deeper into video content, they would be smart to apply best practices to the creation of videos, says Joe Migliozzi, Managing Director of Digital Media at Mindshare in an interview with Beet.TV. That means advertisers should produce content that fits the platform,  use assets of varying length, and apply a light touch when […]

Forcing Pre-Rolls On Viewers Could Hurt Brands: Ebuzzing’s Daily

Today, the 15- or 30-second pre-roll ad is the primary mechanism for monetizing online video through advertising. But could it actually be having the opposite of marketers’ desired effect? According to Ebuzzing and Teads North America MD Jim Daily: “The user sitting there, forced to sit through  a 30-second preroll is sitting there saying, ‘I hate […]

Publishers Surfacing Native Video Ads in Rich Display, on Pages Outside the Pre-Roll

The idea drew John Oliver’s ridicule last week, but publishers who are growing increasingly comfortable with branded content production for text are looking next at servicing brands with video opportunities, according to a panel convened by Beet.TV.  These and other publishers are surfacing native advertising outside the pre-roll, in a variety of new, rich media, display units. […]

Mail Online Aims To ‘Radically’ Increase Original Video Production

The world’s biggest newspaper website intends to start making more digital video of its own, to satisfy advertiser demand for more premium inventory. “We produce 900 stories a day ,” says Mail Online’s North America sales VP Matt Kaplan in this video. “Maybe 20% of those pages has a video on it. About 2% result in […]

The Six-Second Video Offers New Opportunities, MEC Exec Says

The six-second canvas represents a new opportunity for video content marketing as a means to to drive business response, says  Gian LaVecchia, Managing Partner, Digital Content Marketing at MEC, in an interview with Beet.TV. Vine is pushing creators to think through a new lens and tell stories in a compact way, and so is Twitter’s “Amplify” […]

Better Attribution Methods a Must in Cross-Channel World, MediaCom’s Lampert

As consumers interact with ads across platforms, brands increasingly need to better understand attribution across those channels, says Michael Lampert, Managing Partner and Group Digital Director at MediaCom in an interview with Beet.TV about multi-platform marketing strategies. Given the changes in consumption, the industry needs a streamlined analytics approach to cross-channel behaviors, he says. “If we […]

How-to Videos Can Drive Purchase, Mindshare’s Migliozzi

Given the wide range of video strategies available in the market, brands should understand the different value of different types of video. How-to videos, for instance, can often be most effective at driving a consumer to purchase, says Joe Migliozzi, Managing Director of Digital Media at Mindshare in an interview with Beet.TV about video advertising […]

Mail Online Aims To Go Large With Rich, Native Video Ads

The world’s biggest digital newspaper site wants to fast-forward its video ambitions – not just for editorial, but for advertising. “We’re an absolute giant,” says Mail Online sales VP Matt Kaplan. “We drive more video consumption than any other player in our space – upwards of 50m streams per month – and yet it’s less than 2% of our total […]

Ebuzzing’s Daily: We’ll Be 30% Programmatic In Three Years

Online video ad technology group Ebuzzing reckons nearly a third of its business will be made up from automated ad trading, as it increasingly creates private ad marketplaces with trading desks. “We work with Xaxis, Accuen, Vivaki and these trading desks to build our specific, high-quality marketplaces,” according to the company’s north America GM Jim Daily. “Our […]

“Rising Star” Formats Can Be Programmatic: Xaxis’ Warner

Automated trading of standard online display ad units is becoming commonplace. But fancier, more engaging new ad formats can also now benefit from this technology. “IAB rising star units are often though of as upper-funnel, very branding, engaging tactics that aren’t associated with programatic,” says Sarah Warner, trading manager of GroupM’s programmatic unit, Xaxis. “But we can […]

Look Who’s on Vieques for the Annual #BeetRetreat, presented by Videology with AOL On

The third annual Beet.TV Executive Retreat is January 24-25 at the W Retreat & Spa on the Caribbean island of Vieques.   Over the course of  next two days of  panels and presentations, this group of industry leaders will explore the emerging medium of digital video.  Topics will  include  ad effectiveness and measurement;  the emerging platforms and […]