In Drive For Brand Growth, ANA Eyes ‘Marketing University’: P&G’s Pritchard

ORLANDO—In its ongoing efforts to transform marketing by taking back control and leading disruption, the Association of National Advertisers has committed to forming “what’s essentially an ANA marketing university,” says P&G Chief Brand Officer Marc Pritchard. “The CMO Growth Council was formed to focus on marketing taking back control and leading disruption because marketing is […]


ANA’s Quinn On Taking #SeeHer Global, Importance Of Meredith’s Role

ORLANDO–The Association of National Advertisers will expand its #SeeHer initiative globally in 2019 as it seeks to make the Gender Equality Measurement “the gold standard” for the depiction of girls and women across all types of media. What began in 2016 as an effort to more accurately portray females in advertising and content now encompasses […]


#SeeHer Informs Georgia-Pacific Packaging, Attracts Female Talent: CMO Bergsma

ORLANDO—Packaging for paper products like Sparkle and Brawny have benefitted from the #SeeHer Gender Equality Measure for more than a year. But one thing that Georgia-Pacific didn’t expect when it committed to #SeeHer was the positive impact it’s had on female talent recruitment. In addition to #SeeHer, Georgia-Pacific has its own program to promote gender […]


Mentoring And ‘Over-Hiring’ Can Increase The Female Quotient: TBWA’s Reyes

More female voices will be heard and considered in advertising and media if agencies “overhire” and enact their own mentoring programs. Then there’s the hard reality that money still talks, according to Nancy Reyes. “Demand it from your agencies, demand it from your media partners, and threaten to withhold the dollars unless they fulfill that […]


American Express Using #SeeHer GEM Data To Resonate Better With Women

Over the past 18 months, American Express has learned how to resonate better with women through its advertising messaging using metrics generated by the #SeeHer initiative. Informed by #SeeHer’s Gender Equality Measure (GEM) scores, AmEx has progressed from “good, average ratings in our past campaigns into excellent ratings over the course of the last year […]


At InStyle, Individual Women Represent Broader Social Issues: Editor-in-Chief Brown

A supporter of the #SeeHer female-support initiative, Meredith’s InStyle prefers to focus on individual women who represent something broader because today’s world is “exhausted” by a plethora of movements. “It’s a big underthink,” says Editor-in-Chief Laura Brown. By that she means she doesn’t feel obligated to talk about women who represent a given cause or […]


High ANA #SeeHer Scores Correlate With Advertising Lift: Special K’s Crouch

While it’s “really in the DNA of the Special K brand to represent women effectively and consistently and accurately,” there’s a direct impact on the brand’s sales as well, according to Special K Marketing Director Christie Crouch. “When we represent women and families equitably, it’s just more relatable to more people,” Crouch says in this […]


#SeeHer Co-Founder Zalis: Gender Equality Score Is New Industry Standard

More accurate portrayals of girls and women in advertising and media is a “step change” that starts with a mindset, says #SeeHer initiative Co-Founder Shelley Zalis. Add in accountability and measurement via the Gender Equality Score and Zalis sees the birth of a new industry standard. Zalis partnered with the ANA’s Alliance for Family Entertainment […]


ANA #SeeHer Initiative Makes Gender Equality, Diversity ‘Come To Light’: L’Oreal’s McHugh

As one of the first supporters of the #SeeHer initiative, L’Oreal has been getting feedback from television viewers surveyed on behalf of the Association of National Advertisers that informs both commercial messaging and program choices. “We’re on board one hundred percent,” Nadine Karp McHugh, the personal care marketer’s SVP of Omni Media, Creative Solutions & […]


Marketing2020 Findings: Marketers Need ‘Business Owner’ Mindset

CANNES – Marketing departments need to think more like business owners as opposed to captains or coaches if they want their businesses to grow. That’s one of the early findings in the latest iteration of Marketing2020, which is led by Kantar Vermeer and the Association of National Advertisers (ANA), among others. Kantar has been collaborating […]


ANA Pursues Global Support For CMO Masters Circle Initiative At Cannes

CANNES – The Association of National Advertisers made its first trip to the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity this month with a mission: to induce global CMO’s to embrace and participate in its CMO Masters Circle pro-growth initiative. As Masters Circle was being established in the U.S., the ANA “started to recognize fundamental flaws […]


ANA Working On Digital Supply Chain, Globalizes Masters Circle Initiative

CANNES – Even as the Association of National Advertisers exerts pressure on the digital media supply chain to clean up its act, the organization is taking matters into its own hands by testing an alternative digital supply chain. “If you look at the digital media supply chain, as an enterprise, the jury is still out […]


Forrester Survey Of ANA Members: Addressable TV At Inflection Point, Will Grow Rapidly

SAN FRANCISCO – Based on a survey of 88 Association of National Advertisers members and the Everett Rogers innovation adoption model, addressable television advertising has reached its inflection point and will grow quickly. This is because 15% of respondents regularly include addressable in their TV plans while another 35% have experimented with it. “These numbers […]


A+E, Other Networks Pursuing New Television Attribution Model: Mel Berning

MIAMI – A+E is working with some of its competitors on new attribution modeling showing the ability of TV ads drive business outcomes, while the network tests video-on-demand addressability with Comcast and explores national addressable inventory. These are some of the network’s recent activities as outlined by Mel Berning during an interview at the recent […]


SCC Agency’s David Selby: Rebuilding The Chicago Cubs Franchise One Year At A Time

ORLANDO – We hear so much about the consumer journey and how brands need to follow it carefully. But what if it’s the brand’s journey that is the dominant marketing narrative? In the case of the Chicago Cubs baseball team, you take it one season at a time, be honest and transparent with fans and […]


‘Measurement Is Everything’: MediaCom Chicago’s Art Zambianchi

ORLANDO – While there’s been no shortage of issues—from transparency to artificial intelligence to brand purpose—at the Masters of Marketing gathering, there’s also a galvanizing effect. “Today I think was a renewed call to action for the community,” says Art Zambianchi, Managing Director of WPP’s MediaCom agency in Chicago. “One of the refreshing parts of […]


Chicago Cubs President Explains The ‘Interesting Journey With Our Fans’

ORLANDO – Some customer journeys are longer than others. Consider the plight of Chicago Cubs fans who “stayed with us for 100 years without a title,” says the team’s President of Business Operations, Crane Kenney. That ended with the World Series in 2016, triggering a change in communications strategies for the venerable Midwest sports franchise. […]


With Dynamic Creative Optimization, Marketing And Sales Unity Is Key: Dell’s Dina Gowar

ORLANDO – It might be hard to believe in this Age of Amazon, but not everything can be purchased with one click. For Dell, this means using dynamic creative optimization (DCO) in different ways depending on whether it’s trying to lure consumers or businesses. “The strategy that we employ for DCO is very different on […]


Looking For ‘Moments That Matter’ To Entice Beer Drinkers: MillerCoors’ Brad Feinberg

ORLANDO – When it comes to selling beer, there is no “linear funnel” as has been standard marketing textbook fare for decades. MillerCoors has a three-pronged approach to understanding to whom, where and when to distribute its messages. “I think a lot of marketers today start with a creative brief and the idea, ‘Here’s my […]


Lane Bryant’s Brian Beitler: Changing How Women See Themselves Yields Positive Brand Lift

ORLANDO – It should come as no big shock that millennials cite Facebook and Netflix as the top brands in positive word-of-mouth sentiment among their peers. That specialty size apparel retailer Lane Bryant would rank as the most improved brand in 2017 is a testament to the company’s efforts to improve the way that the […]

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