CTV Ad Innovation Is Scoring Big With Live Sports Viewers: Innovid’s Cushion

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – The shift from linear TV to connected television (CTV) is accelerating, and live sports is one of the last holdouts for ad dollars and innovation. However, this is changing rapidly as viewers increasingly stream live sports events on CTV platforms. Innovid, a company that focuses on CTV advertising, released a report […]


The Essence of the Beet Retreat: Moving the Industry Forward by ‘Doing’

“I was fascinated by the camaraderie and the community that Andy and the team have built,” says Terence Kawaja, founder, CEO of LUMA Partners. “There’s a tangibility to the discussions that I’ve noticed. Beet Retreat, people go to do. These people, they’re doers, not talkers.” Kawaja is one of many industry leaders who share how […]


Cardlytics Banks On Purchase Data To Measure Ads

As the marketing world starts leaning toward valuing the end outcomes of advertising over intermediary proxies like clicks and views, nothing tells an outcome story like an end purchase. And, it seems, nothing qualifies an end purchase like raw purchase data. That is the theory according to Cardlytics, The 11-year-old, Atlanta-based company is using its network […]