‘Golden Age’ Of Television Requires Better Advertising: David Sable

LAS VEGAS—The continued rise of streaming services providing premium video without advertising avails is a big concern but it’s going to change within a couple of years. That’s because both Amazon and Netflix are headed toward ad-supported content, VMLY&R chairman David Sable predicts. The bottom line, Sable explains in this interview with Beet.TV at CES […]


Facebook Should Consider A Better Value Exchange For User Data: Y&R’s David Sable

MIAMI-Having been in advertising since the 1970’s, David Sable knows all about the value exchange between consumers and advertisers. So when he views the controversy about Facebook and its users’ data, he sees “an awakening of the notion of data” and suggests another value exchange might be in order. “Let’s be very clear. This is […]


Return To Storytelling At Cannes Yields ‘Smarter And Better’ Creative Work: Y&R’s Sable

Less than a decade ago, the creative work showcased at the Cannes Lions festival seemed to be more about technology than storytelling, in the mind of Y&R’s Global CEO, David Sable. But more recently, some of the work has been “spectacular” as the value of good storytelling has once again eclipsed tech. During the same […]


Y&R’s Sable Sees A ‘Golden Age’ Of Content, Questions Hyper Targeting

Technology has done amazing things to create a variety of ways people can consume premium television content, helping to spark a “golden age” for content creators. But is the same technology and the data it enables encouraging the hyper targeting of audiences just because the capability exists? David Sable is quick to point out that […]


‘Primal Data’ Unlocks Serendipitous Marketing: Y&R’s Sable

The marketing industry may be going crazy for consumer data, but data is nothing without insight. Marketing company Y&R’s global CEO David Sable says the “digi-babble” and “BS” about data is missing something. “Data’s not new,” Sable tells Beet.TV in this video interview. “Thirty years ago, we all grew up using data. Today, we have way more sales […]