Measuring Outcomes – The New Frontier in Media Attribution

CANNES — At a morning panel during Beet.TV’s Global Leadership Summit: Data, Identity & Measurement, executives discussed the evolution of media measurement. They highlighted a shift from simplistic demographic targeting and click-counting to more sophisticated, outcome-based approaches. Panelists emphasized the importance of leveraging advanced data and technology to focus on actual business outcomes, such as purchases, […]


Digital Turbine’s New APProach: Lessons Learned About Audiences and Outcomes In the Privacy-Forward Era

CANNES — As the mobile advertising industry grapples with signal loss, the two dominant ecosystems are taking markedly different approaches, says Jon Hudson, SVP of Global Sales at Digital Turbine, in this video interview with Beet.TV. While Apple’s iOS operates as a closed system, Google’s Android is more open and flexible for partners. This has led […]


‘We’re In The Firmware’: Digital Turbine Unlocks the Potential of Mobile App Advertising

CANNES — The mobile app industry has come a long way since the early days of the iPhone, but there’s still a significant gap between the time spent on mobile and the investment in mobile advertising. Despite the fact that 80% of mobile device time is spent in apps, the advertising dollars have not followed […]


Bringing Video Ad Creativity to Mobile’s Full-Screen Canvas: Digital Turbine’s Mark Slade

CANNES — Advertising creativity is celebrated each year at the Cannes Lions festival. But ironically, when those same ads play out in digital media, they are often relegated to feeds, screen corners or other sub-optimal placements. “Ultimately, we don’t allow that creativity to shine on the digital platforms,” complains Mark Slade, VP of Brand at […]


Mobile Gaming An Untapped Advertising Opportunity: Digital Turbine’s Wester

Are brands missing out on valuable eyeballs by not advertising in mobile games? That is the question Digital Turbine posed in new research revealed at the IAB’s NewFronts conference. “Mobile games occupy a significant portion of time from consumers, but don’t really command a lot of budget,” Greg Wester, Digital Turbine’s Chief Marketing Officer for […]