Retailers are Answering Half of Consumers’ Challenge Questions: Omnicom’s Baker

SAN JUAN, PR — Is the advertising industry missing a trick by focusing on the delivery of retail media ads but not their content? In the exploding world of retail media, some are coming to think the industry’s obsession with metrics and mechanics could be blinding it to the key ingredient for success – consumers […]


Retail Media Offers Relevance At Scale, Holiday Boom: Omnicom’s Baker

Retail media spending is already booming, as new retailers light up ad inventory opportunities and brands clamour to get close to the point of purchase. As the holiday season approaches, some in the industry are expecting the category to soar to even higher heights. In this video interview with Beet.TV editorial director Lisa Granatstein, Jacquelyn […]


Retail Media Networks: The Key to Full-Funnel Activation and Brand Growth, Omnicom Commerce’s Baker

SAN JUAN, PR — Omnicom thought the fusion of shopping and media was so important that it made a whole division, Omnicom Commerce Group, dedicated to the topic in June 2023. Early this year, OCG execs have been appearing at key industry events like Beet Retreat San Juan and Shoptalk. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Jacquelyn Baker, […]


Retail Media Networks Can Shape Path to Purchase: Omnicom’s Jacquelyn Baker

LAS VEGAS – Retailers that sell advertising are more effective for brands when they’re able to collaborate on meeting the needs of consumers. These efforts are supported with a variety of data-driven marketing strategies. “Consumers will part with their money when you solve a problem for them,” Jacquelyn Baker, chief executive of Omnicom Commerce Group, […]