How Transparent Does Ad Tech Really Need To Be, AMNET’s Karandikar Wonders

CANNES — During a panel discussion at Cannes Lions, disagreement broke out over how much ad buyers should know about the so-called “transparency” in ad network and programmatic practices. “If the agency and the client can have a very clean discussion about what is the value of the offer and what is the fee they charge, […]


Media Reviews Come Down to Pricing, Trust and Transparency Concerns, BofA’s Paskalis

CANNES — The large number of media accounts currently up for review comes down largely to issues of pricing, trust and transparency, according to Lou Paskalis, Bank of America’s SVP-Global Media Investment. “We are in an upheaval we’ve never seen before in this business, and marketers realize they need a new pathway to market, and they’re […]


Pitchapalooza: Media Change is Driving Agency Reviews

CANNES — What is the sound of $25 billion changing hands? It’s enough to prompt a sharp in-take of breath from ad agency execs. That is the amount at stake after many of the world’s biggest brands recently began reviewing their long-held agency relations. Why are the brands putting agencies on notice? Because times are a-changin’, say industry […]


Ad Fraud Is An Erupting Volcano: Bank of America’s Paskalis

CANNES — After a couple of years of estimates that upwards of 30% to 50% of online ad impressions may have been fraudulently served by nefarious bots, it has begun to seem like platforms have gotten across the problem. Try telling that to Lou Paskalis, who holds the marketing purse strings as Bank of America’s global media […]

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