Google’s Latest Ad Announcement Changes Little: Magnite’s Kershaw
LOS ANGELES – The journey to the future of advertising identity is long and winding. Amid the deprecation of third-party cookies and limits on other tactics like mobile identifiers, the industry is striving to develop new methods with which to identify audiences. In doing so, perhaps it has become so used to reading about forthcoming […]
Magnite to Acquire SpotX from RTL Group for $1.17 Billion: Michael Barrett on Why This is the Time for AdTech
In a major merger in the adtech and advanced TV industry space, Magnite has acquired SpotX from RTL, the European broadcast giant, for $1.17 billion in cash and stock, the companies announced this morning. Later in the morning, Beet.TV did this video interview with Magnite CEO Michael Barrett about the deal and what it means […]
History Creates Context: Magnite’s Kershaw On Life After Identifiers
The withering of the third-party cookies and mobile identifiers that have made up much of traditional digital ad targeting is up-ending the business of marketers reaching audiences. As those methods wane, many ad planners are contemplating the switch from targeting users to targeting the content they read or watch – commonly called “contextual” targeting. But, whilst “context” […]
Apple’s IDFA Change ‘Not Terrifying’: Magnite’s Kershaw
Apple is ripping up the fabric of mobile ad targeting – but Tom Kershaw sees it as just another step along the trajectory to a world of enhanced compliance. The tech company is due to change its Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA), which advertisers use to identify iOS devices so they can deliver customized advertising, to […]
CTV Primed to Reach ‘Persuadable’ Cord Cutters in Extraordinary Election
Political candidates this year face a daunting task in reaching voters as the coronavirus pandemic disrupts traditional publicity efforts like rallies, conventions and stump speeches. Campaigns also must adjust to changing media consumption habits as more households cancel cable and satellite subscriptions, and connect their TVs directly to the Internet. Connected TV (CTV) has the […]