Matt McDonald
The Essence of the Beet Retreat: Moving the Industry Forward by ‘Doing’
“I was fascinated by the camaraderie and the community that Andy and the team have built,” says Terence Kawaja, founder, CEO of LUMA Partners. “There’s a tangibility to the discussions that I’ve noticed. Beet Retreat, people go to do. These people, they’re doers, not talkers.” Kawaja is one of many industry leaders who share how […]
Driving Performance on Connected TV: Google’s Matt McDonald
SANTA MONICA, Calif. — As advertisers seek to drive results across various platforms, connected TV is emerging as a key opportunity for performance media. While traditional TV advertising has focused on reach and frequency metrics, Matt McDonald, Global Head of Connected TV & Streaming at Google said advertisers are increasingly looking for ways to understand […]
Google’s McDonald Goes Long & Short On CTV Ad Future
SAN JUAN, PR — The time when YouTube was best known for skateboarding dogs now feels like eons ago. Two decades on, the video platform is now host to major broadcasters, as well as short-form content. In this video interview with Beet.TV, Matt McDonald, Global Head of Connected TV & Streaming, Google, explains how the company […]