MasterCard’s Jankowski Sees ‘Priceless’ Opportunities In Content

MIAMI — It’s a wide-open new marketing world, with a big new creative palette. But sometimes picking the right brush can be half the battle. MasterCard is one big brand with all the tools at its disposal. So how is it thinking about the right advertising tactics to deploy? In this video interview, MasterCard’s media SVP Ben Jankowski tells […]


AT&T AdWorks’ Cordes On The Convergence Of Direct Mail, Addressable TV

MIAMI – AT&T AdWorks is seeing marketers in certain industry verticals redirect money from direct mail to addressable television advertising, along with using addressable TV for increased frequency against certain consumer targets. This synopsis by Brian Cordes, Director of Client Relations for AT&T AdWorks, was shared at the annual Beet Retreat this week. In an […]


MediaLink’s Spiegel: Clean Up Overlapping Digital Supply Chain Partners

ORLANDO, Florida – Against a backdrop of headlines calling into question digital business practices by media agencies, the digital supply chain needs “clean up” its duplicative players or else marketers could pull back on their participation. That’s the prognosis of MediaLink Managing Director Matt Spiegel, who sees way too much duplication in that supply chain. […]


Marketers Are Yet To Grasp Advanced Attribution: Merkle, Furious Corp., Coull, MediaLink

VIEQUES, PR — In an age where the media we use give off signals back to advertisers, marketers are being sold on the potential to thread each in to a holistic view of customers and of their ad effectiveness. But the reality so far is a little different, a panel of advertising tech execs discussed at a […]


Decentralize Programmatic Slowly: Merkle’s Delaney

VIEQUES, PR — It’s arguably five years since real-time ad buying went mainstream. At the start, ad agencies tended to concentrate their programmatic specialism in distinct corporate units, run as a service for sibling departments. But, as the techniques have gained adoption, some have been tempted to make the function available across the group. Case in […]


Programmatic Is Big, Just Don’t Call it That, MediaLink’s Matt Spiegel

FORT LAUDERDALE –  The state of automated media transactions and audience targeting with deep  data is growing quickly, but it should not be called “programmatic” explains  Matt Spiegel, SVP/GM, Data & Technology Solutions at MediaLink.. Programmatic isn’t a media platform, it isn’t a thing and the perception of the word is actually limiting the growth of […]


Content Trumps Frequency For Marketers: Bank of America’s Paskalis

FORT LAUDERDALE — You can have all the ad tech in the world but, in this day and age, is it really advertising that can connect with consumers any longer? Bank Of America media SVP Lou Paskalis thinks brands need to take a leaf out of the books of publishers and broadcasters they historically have advertised […]

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