Supply Side Plumbing Hindering Race To More Targeted Ads: Omnicom’s Steuer

MIAMI – If the transition to more audience-based television advertising was a horse race, data would be in the lead and plumbing would be a laggard. “I think we’re at an important transitional moment from the world of content-based advertising, which is TV’s legacy to an audience based television world,” says Jonathan Steuer. That transition […]


Beet.TV Retreat 2016: MediaVest | Spark, Cadreon, MODI On The Value Of Advanced TV

MIAMI – In the tug of war that is television advertising, programmers pull the traditional ratings window beyond 30 days while advanced TV specialists grapple with more precise targeting. Somewhere in the middle lies a holistic view of all advertising impressions that buyers can bid for, but it’s a galaxy far, far away. This is […]


Google’s TV Mantra: Connect, Distribute And Monetize For Programmers

MIAMI – Google doesn’t have to search for television partners. The digital giant is busily helping broadcasters and cable networks connect with viewers while distributing and monetizing their content. “We definitely have a perspective that eventually everything is going to go IP,” says Brian Jankovsky, Director of Entertainment & Sports Partnerships at Google, during a […]


Programmers, MVPD’s Should Unite On Addressable TV: Mediavest | Spark’s Bokor

MIAMI – Even though addressable television advertising is outpacing audience-indexed programmatic and over-the-top TV, OTT “is going to be the end game,” according to Jonathan Bokor. In the meantime, unless programmers and MVPD’s come together to make more inventory available for addressable ads, digital “will start to eat television’s lunch,” the Director of Advanced Media […]


Traditional TV Measurement Won’t Lead To ‘The New World’: Omnicom’s Steuer

MIAMI – Marketers are ready to step off the “single-currency television ratings train,” but some agency buyers need to be prodded to look beyond Nielsen on the road to impression-based TV, says Jonathan Steuer, Chief Research Officer for Omnicom Media Group. The buy side needs to understand that “questions and strategy” have to have top […]