Enders’ Consultant Maude: Content Is Key For Video Upstarts

LONDON – Online video services may be growing thanks to carriage on new devices – but only top-quality programming will help internet upstarts really revolutionize the TV industry, industry analyst Ian Maude warns. “Time-shift and catch-up haven’t really disrupted the traditional advertising and pay-TV models. More and more people are spending more time watching traditional […]


‘Stevie’ Puts Social Media on TV

CANNES – Stevie is using social media to create a TV experience. Pulling content from Facebook, Twitter and online video, Stevie creates television about the user and his or her friends. Users log in to Facebook and Stevie pulls relevant information from social media feeds and turns it into a lineup of shows. Beet.TV spoke […]


MEC’s Chantal Rickards: “Second Screen Is Vital To Broadcasters”

CANNES — More and more producers and broadcasters are adopting second screen strategies, but Chantal Rickards, Head of Programming & Branded Content at MEC, believes that these producers and broadcasters should be putting even more resources into the second screen—5 percent, to be exact.  We spoke with Rickards at the MIPTV Conference in Cannes to […]

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