
The Media Unites to Help Puerto Rico’s Neediest

A majority of Puerto Rico’s children live below the poverty level.  As a percentage of the population, child poverty is twice as high compared to the poorest state on the mainland.  

These U.S. citizens hold promise for the future of the island and for the nation.   But they are not seen. They are largely forgotten, even on their own island. They need to be helped. Things have to change.  

Beet.TV is seeking to be a catalyst for change, harnessing the power and creativity of the mainland media industry to become involved in a deep partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico.   

In the days after Hurricane Maria, Beet.TV organized a collaborative effort with AT&T, The Weather Channel, Hearts & Science and Teads in a group called #StandWithPuertoRico.  The group brought relief supplies and gained attention in the media industry for the troubled island. The project has been led by Andy Plesser, founder of Beet.TV and a part-time resident of Puerto Rico.

In the months since the storm, Beet.TV has covered developments on the island in its video reporting.   And it has forged a close relationship with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico — the 50-year-old affiliate of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the United States.  

The Clubs provide essential services, mentoring and education to tens of thousands of children and their families, most who are living below the poverty level.   More than just supporting kids and families in need, it is dedicated to breaking the crippling cycle of poverty on the island.

Over the past several months, Beet has published videos with the Clubs’ leaders and staff, provided speaking opportunities for executives in Miami, New York and San Juan and has organized fundraising events and tours to the Club facilities.  It has directly raised in excess of $50,000.

Phase Two of #StandWithPuertoRico: The Media Unites

The next step involves the launch of a high-impact public service announcement (PSA) campaign in Q4 in the United States.   In order to maximize its impact, the central task is to secure at least $1 million in commitments in media inventory for public service announcements to run on television and in online media later this year.  The PSA’s will be a fundraising appeal for the Boys & Girls Club. Targeted media to provide inventory includes cable and satellite operators, local TV groups, cable and network programmers, DSP’s, digital news publishers and social platforms.  

The effort will also seek the participation of brands in embracing the Boys & Girls Clubs fundraising as part of their marketing campaigns.

The solicitation for media inventory begins in March.   The plan is to announce the $1 million milestone at Cannes Lions at an industry event, celebrating the Boys & Girls Clubs and raising additional awareness and participation in the program.   

Coupled with the acquisition of media, will be the production of a content series: This will involve video reporting on child poverty in Puerto Rico.  It will cover the work of the Club, the efforts of the government of Puerto Rico, the advocacy of U.S. legislators, other NGO’s, corporate partners and others.  Content will be produced in San Juan, New York and in Washington, D.C. At least six segments will be produced before Cannes.

Steering Committee and Support

Beet.TV will organize this effort but need funds for the project. It is seeking the support of a group of six founding members.   

Founding members will pay $10,000 to join.  These funds will allow key tasks including branding and design, event coordination, social media, editorial services, PSA media management,  paid media, travel and video production. Beet.TV will manage these efforts on an at cost basis.  

Members will make a commitment to provide media or assistance in the solicitation of media inventory.  Each member will select a board member to be actively involved in planning and decision making for the group.  Steering committee meetings will be held in New York and in San Juan.

Additionally, each founding member will be asked to make a $10,000 contribution directly to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico.

Campaign Visibility and Role of Partners

Partners will join Beet.TV as it seeks attention for the project. They will be associated with the project for 12 months. Partners will be acknowledged via logo presence on video series, social media posts, promotions, on-site banners.   In addition to Cannes, the group will be associated with Beet.TV at other industry events which could include DMEXCO in Cologne, the ANA Masters of Marketing in Orlando and CES in Las Vegas.

Visibility for Media Donors

Those media organizations donating in excess of $50,000 in inventory to the project will be acknowledged in the promotion of the initiative.      

Boys & Girls Club PR CEO Eduardo Carrera provides an overview of the Clubs’ mission to break the cycle of poverty on the island.

Interviewed by Beet.TV in San Juan on 2/15/19  

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